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Oral Cancer Screening

One person dies every hour from oral cancer in the United States.


Our team continually strives to provide important enhancements in oral health care for our patients.  We are concerned about oral cancer and look for it in all of our patients.


Late detection of oral cancer is the primary reason that mortality rates are so high.  As with most other cancers, age is the primary risk factor for oral cancer.  Though tobacco use is a major predisposing risk factor, 25% of oral cancer victims have no lifestyle risk factors.


Oral Cancer Risk Profile


Increased Risk:

  • Patients age 40 and older (95% of all cases)

  • 18-39 years of age combined with any of the following:

    • Tobacco Use

    • Chronic Alcohol

    • HPV (human papilloma virus) viral infection

Highest Risk:

  • Patients age 65 and older with lifestyle risk factors

  • Patients with a history of oral cancer


25% of oral cancers occur in people who do not smoke and have no other risk factors.


We find that using VEL scope as an adjunctive screen tool along with a visual cancer examination improves our ability to identify suspicious areas that may not be highly visible under normal fluorescence during the conventional examination.  Early detection of precancerous tissue can minimize or eliminate the potentially disfiguring effects of oral cancer and possibly save your life.  VELscope is a three to five minute painless exam that gives us a better chance to find oral abnormalities you may have at an early age.

Contact us

We are especially proud of the fact that our patients often tell us how comfortable they feel when they visit our office.  Whatever your dental needs, we look forward to showing you the difference that considerate care and attention to detail can make.  Please contact our office for more information or to schedule a consultation.

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